Finally, I will have repeat classes again to score higher CGPA.
I had asked the staff today. He said, I better take more subjects to get higher CGPA because only repeat 2 subjects is not enough and very risky. Ya! But I'm thinking, how many should I take? 2 more or 3 more? Then which subjects I should take? In my will, I must repeat my Cost Accounting. The staff advice me take Accounting also because it is more easy. But, what is the 5th subject?
This time, I quite scare again. I scare I will make wrong decisions again. What I must do is must get higher CGPA to have the requirement for changing degree course. But, what should I choose? I wonder how was my level of all my ability on those subjects. It is seems another pressure for me. Although it is maybe a long semester for repeat course, but have to becareful. If I choose wrong, then I will dig the grave for myself again. Just like Boon and Sook Yee said, I'm will be too pressure......
I wonder, what I can choose. Who can give me advice?
Why I choose business admin? Why I didn't choose studying Mass Comm directly?
I had asked the staff today. He said, I better take more subjects to get higher CGPA because only repeat 2 subjects is not enough and very risky. Ya! But I'm thinking, how many should I take? 2 more or 3 more? Then which subjects I should take? In my will, I must repeat my Cost Accounting. The staff advice me take Accounting also because it is more easy. But, what is the 5th subject?
This time, I quite scare again. I scare I will make wrong decisions again. What I must do is must get higher CGPA to have the requirement for changing degree course. But, what should I choose? I wonder how was my level of all my ability on those subjects. It is seems another pressure for me. Although it is maybe a long semester for repeat course, but have to becareful. If I choose wrong, then I will dig the grave for myself again. Just like Boon and Sook Yee said, I'm will be too pressure......
I wonder, what I can choose. Who can give me advice?
Why I choose business admin? Why I didn't choose studying Mass Comm directly?