An illusory Dream girl......


Her name is "郭襄" in the story of Condour Heroes(神雕侠侣/倚天屠龙记). When she was born, she being grap away by 杨过,李莫愁,金轮法王. Her 1st taste of milk is leopard milk. When she grow up, she meets 杨过 and start to love him. But sadly 杨过 only loves 小龙女, so she keep this feeling in her heart deeply. After the 华山论剑, 杨过 and 小龙女 be a hermit and never shown themselves again. 郭襄 miss him a lot and she go out to find him. At the moment she reach ShaoLin Temple, she meets an old friend call 觉远大师 and 张君宝 who meets at 华山 before. But at the same time she have a misunderstand between the abbot of Shaolin Temple and finally have a fight with them. 郭襄 being hurt by them. 觉远大师 save her and 张君宝 until to a abbandoned place while only 无色禅师 keep following them. At the moment 觉远大师 reach his end of his life. But before he dies he read out the whole 九阳真经. So the lection had been heard and memorize by 郭襄,张君宝 and 无色禅师 who hide at behind them. Luckily 无色禅师 is kind hearted and free them go. 郭襄 leave Shaolin afterwards to continue her search for 杨过 but failed until she is 40's. At the time she is 40's she have a profound and completed realization. She stop her search and become a nun at 峨嵋山. Finally she inherit her parents will: to overturn the Mongols goverment and initiate 峨嵋派. After many years she died, 峨嵋派 become the 中原六大门派之一.
Yes, she is just appear in the story. For the real history she is not existed. But many readers love her characteristic very much. Her sincere, her beauty, her kindness, her others values makes many people very love her. Even in the story, the cruel character such as 李莫愁 and 金轮法王 also never kill her. It is quite mysterious that why a baby girl can influence them deeply. After she grow up, she have a great failed in her love to 杨过, but she never jealous and wish them to be happily forever. Her sincere to many friends at that period makes her become admired by many people. Her straightforward and carefree makes her become famous and help her a lot when having trouble.
Yes, I love a girl
who not exist in this world.
But so what?
Better I have a
lovely day dream,
than you are
the dull, strict and reality.