Relaxing weeks......
Everyone seems free. Really! No matter it is big rain day or hot day, our class still having yum cha from noon until night. Last night Sam ask me to yum cha but sadly I sleep very early. So I only saw his msn message this morning 0600. But few days ago I really go yum cha with them. Sam "produce" a......can say like "Tosei Goreng Kari" because he cannot finish the tosei, so he make it into pieces, and add in those tosei sauces, curry and sambal. While Shirleen and them looks ad feel scary for his "production", but I told them I want to try the Tosei. Hoho! Why? Because before that, when they saw Chye Huat order a tosei, they saw the tosei is big, so Khai Meng and Qi Sian also order. But they ate it and feel geli. Even me also feel geli. Haha. Sam said wanna finish it but also can't. So he make it become like that, and I found that more tasty. Haha! They scare the next day I can't go to class. But nothing happen in my stomach. ^^
Its a most wonderful time of this sem. Everythings seems already finish. Just prepare for final Exam. Even we wait for class, I can see everyone is relaxing than last time in assignment period. Almost everynight go out to mamak. Everyone looks happy. Sook Yee is feel happy yesterday, with no reason. Hoho! Is it strange? But is a good thing also. Having a happy day is very important, and I feel happy when everyone is happy and healthy. I can feel totally different. It is actually a special period for all uni students, don't you agree that? Sometimes, the normal things we do everyday, is the most wonderful memories for our life.
This is a scene that really seldom see in daily, but so bad my damn handphone camera not clear. From the left: Sook Yee, En Suan, Ju Eann, Qi Sian, Chang Jun, Khai Meng and Shirleen.