Recalling the super trouper days......
WARNING: This is a super-long blog that tell you my December in 2008. You may refused to read the words if you don't want to understand those pictures. Haha! ^_^
Recalling to my December, it is a month that full of presentations, especially the famous one, press conferences. Everyone you can see is 90% are in formal. All leng zai leng lui walking around the faculty. But I can feel syok for this atmosphere. Everyone seems excited.

Ya. I love the press conference very much, although my presentation is not very well. Because of excited, I attend all the press conference that my dear classmates do. They put many effort in it. We saw different groups got their different funny presentations. I don't they will know or you
will know or not, this period is

making me feel more relaxing actually, when rushing other asignments. Maybe I'm actually a peron who like to present, but sadly no one will admire before I come to Kampar and get this assignment, even someone is......Hoho! Don't want to say that, it is bad to critic best friends.

Of course, in this month, why I said is Super Trouper month? Because when Im to stress of those assignments, I will listen SUPER TROUPER and dance myself. Haha! Syok sendiri right? But better nothing to do. Nobody see also. I don't mind what crazy things that I done myself, because everyone have their crazy attitude sometimes, and normally it is also a special way to relax ourself. Well, if this small attitude is being done by a group of friends, it can be very nice and excited. You will really enjoy, like I saw some people are playing
water to each other, splashing with big basins and buckets. Wow! When I passing there, they nearly splash to me. Ya, I can feel they enjoying. What they done actually we never do in home town and close friends. Don't why we never do this. Actually now if we see, it is not an abnormal attitude, because it was actually no harm no hurt. I sometimes whish to have this enjoyable period too. ^_^

Recalling to my December, it is a month that full of presentations, especially the famous one, press conferences. Everyone you can see is 90% are in formal. All leng zai leng lui walking around the faculty. But I can feel syok for this atmosphere. Everyone seems excited.

making me feel more relaxing actually, when rushing other asignments. Maybe I'm actually a peron who like to present, but sadly no one will admire before I come to Kampar and get this assignment, even someone is......Hoho! Don't want to say that, it is bad to critic best friends.

Of course, in this month, why I said is Super Trouper month? Because when Im to stress of those assignments, I will listen SUPER TROUPER and dance myself. Haha! Syok sendiri right? But better nothing to do. Nobody see also. I don't mind what crazy things that I done myself, because everyone have their crazy attitude sometimes, and normally it is also a special way to relax ourself. Well, if this small attitude is being done by a group of friends, it can be very nice and excited. You will really enjoy, like I saw some people are playing

What is the most enjoyable period in the month? One of it is when all of them preparing to present. I can see, their preparation, also their efforts that they have put in. I can see the weird host stand, that can prevent to forgot the scripts; I can see the different ways to raise up our hands for questions, but no middle finger; I can see they make the ice breaking, with a frozen cd. Hoho! Really put i
n efforts. I think Ms Chin had saw these through, so hope she can give them higher marks. Haha. I think she will suprise also when she looking at Hui Min's host stand, looking it with big eyes and smile, while Hui Min is covering her mouth, and said Oh My God. Hoho! Erm......I can't really remember some maybe, I can the last day of presentation, Qi Sian wear batik formal with Malaysia flags on it. We all wonder "Dato Yeap" having the post to help in Allison's presentation. Ya! He got help but...... help taking out the ice an let them break it.....=,=' Dato helping to carry things? Err...... O......k.......=,='

It is really more suprise for me in the whole month in Kampar. I having camp to Penang, and a lot of presentations and reports. Sometimes feel stressful but every monday we can relax with watching the pres co
In everyday life, we actually having many chances to close to happiness and enjoying period. But sadly, I always saw a lot of prejudice to those activities. Erm...... a game, can be created by us, so why don't we try to accept? I regret that last time I shy a lot, so I miss all those "crazy" games, and now seeing people enjoying. We have our aim and targets. But something enjoyable and memorable, can be only have one chance in our whole life. Yup I agree that study is important. Thats why I never give up. At the same time, I'm a playful person. So I will see is there a chance for me to crazy with it..jpg)
Besides crazy, I would have a period to quiet also. I sometimes will go to the hotel, go to the roof top and see the scene of Kampar. Although it is nothing to see, but there is also a quiet place for me. Nice place for quiet, forget the stress and assignments. Or I can walk beside the lake in evening. Looking at those people who is fishing. Looking at the kids are running around.
In everyday life, we actually having many chances to close to happiness and enjoying period. But sadly, I always saw a lot of prejudice to those activities. Erm...... a game, can be created by us, so why don't we try to accept? I regret that last time I shy a lot, so I miss all those "crazy" games, and now seeing people enjoying. We have our aim and targets. But something enjoyable and memorable, can be only have one chance in our whole life. Yup I agree that study is important. Thats why I never give up. At the same time, I'm a playful person. So I will see is there a chance for me to crazy with it.
Besides crazy, I would have a period to quiet also. I sometimes will go to the hotel, go to the roof top and see the scene of Kampar. Although it is nothing to see, but there is also a quiet place for me. Nice place for quiet, forget the stress and assignments. Or I can walk beside the lake in evening. Looking at those people who is fishing. Looking at the kids are running around.
Sometimes, we shouldn't take our aim too important. In the life, we just a small part. We have our own ruler in our heart, but it is just helping us to prevent from cheatings and danger. So the rule
r should be keep away when seeing people performance and attitude. We should not "measure" to others too much. What we have in our mind, can be cheat us also. In this new world, our eyes can see something fake, but we simply trust it. This is why we always facing misunderstanding. I never pray to meet an artiste, but I meet 官恩娜 in the market of Kampung Simee. I never though that I can take her photo so near. But sadly because of my cowardness, I didn't take with her.
What I know? Sometimes I know something from someone. I don't know why, always something bad, hurt, and always happening on me. What can I do? Change. As I told myself and also told by brothers. Well although is on going, what they expect? I wonder, when they only the one said I never change. I wonder what they expect. I keep it in mind actually but suffer, so I forgot it, trying. Even can't forgot, make it normal questions. It won't kill me right?
What I know? Sometimes I know something from someone. I don't know why, always something bad, hurt, and always happening on me. What can I do? Change. As I told myself and also told by brothers. Well although is on going, what they expect? I wonder, when they only the one said I never change. I wonder what they expect. I keep it in mind actually but suffer, so I forgot it, trying. Even can't forgot, make it normal questions. It won't kill me right?
Sometimes, they also measuring me. But I believe one day it will not happened again. I pray for them, for myself, never giving them sins. If not, hope I won't be long life, because ashame to see them and family. The promise is still going on, although I hope they can really see something different. But it is okay, I don't want to force them an myself. Let it be nature. As brothers, I shouldn't request too much, because they actually giving me a lots of cares and helps, as I request to God since age 13. They really treat me as brother......
Now, I have really a happy and enjoyable period in my uni life. I don't know how he thinking about me now, since he think that, I have no close friend in Kampar. I have long time never chat with Thian Kiat and Bro Kin Wai in msn. Is that Bro Kin Wai still worry that msn will be the causes that make us quarreling again? I hope not also. Because once a time I'm also worry about that. But when I see I'm mix with some people these days, what I worrying is wrong. And I hope that Bro won't worrying about this anymore. I've long time didn't play minesweeper with him already, and long time didn't share my happiness to him also.
I still miss my girls there too. How are you? Hope that you all have a chance again to enjoy my cooking. I'm long time didn't cook. Some friends had tried my food before, and Bro Kin Wai had giving me a true comment. Well I made a new chicken yesterday while Leh Yeng said is nice. I wonder how Bro Kin Wai feels that again, but I don't know when is the free time, because after Chinese New Year I will have final exams. Cham. Hoho!
Although time is rushing, but the happiness are forever with us.
So Ah Toh pray for you all that happy forever.
And to my brothers,
Always healthy and happy too.^_^

Can these happiness period be keep in mind?