The countdown night for the naughty boy (Part two)
The scene I saw at the plaza, after 1 minute from the countdown.
After looking the plaza, I find my classmate, Hooi Ling to attend her BBQ. Oh my! Only 4 people of us? Alamak lo! She think BBQ only that night gua. Haha. We went to the apartment opposite KTAR and starting BBQ there at the ground floor. We bring not much food, and I didn't brounght anything also. Hoho.
While I saw they bring too less things. Somemore they bring radish but forgot the 刨刀. So I cycle back to my house, bring the items and 10 eggs, some can food, newpapers and went back to the apartment again. They wonder why I bring oyster sauce, sesame oil and the better one is thai chili sauce. Hoho. I bring some steel dishes also. Although only 4 of us, somemore I ask a friend come join us also, 5 of us. But it is still can have fun for it. They somemore wanna plan to make BBQ and steamboat also, 2+1 Hoho!
Oh ya! While about 0135, the street along KTAR there have many cows were passing by. Hooi Ling get a bit shock for that. Scare they will rush to us. Hoho! So bad I didn't have big knife. If not, we can have satay and 神户牛柳. Haha!
Hooi Ling can't take it clearly. That night actually have about 30 cows passing by. Some cows were looking at us too. Haha.
Before we end up our BBQ, I ask Hooi Ling fried an egg because she told me that she fried egg in BBQ before. So below that was what she prepare, put the aluminum fold, then crack an egg......
But the thing is, she didn't fold the aluminium in a proper shape, so she fried an rectangular egg......
But luckily, still can eat. ^^
We cleaned up the place about 0330, and I prepare to get more fever because I know, hoho! But God Bless, I seems recover more since I sleep more than 12 hrs at 1st of January. Haha.
OMG! 0735 de! I got to bath! Go class at 0800! See ya everyone!