Wonderful days......
These days are weird! REALLY! Hahahaha......
I also forgot what is the hotel's name. But I really like the enviroment. Althought I scare Tsunami also, choy choy choy! Aiyo! Why I say this thing. Yucks! Haha. Beach is so nice. I can enjoy the peaceful here. I can relax myself. I had think before, wanna share this place with my mates in Ipoh. Hoho, don't when is the chance. Hope that won't be wait until old......
We few cool guys wanna see the sunrise. But badly the clouds are naughty. What we can see is blur sun, rising among the clouds. Anyway, I still cannot control my naughty hand and camera, keep on taking many pics even it is dark also.

We are having our press conference again. This was the press conference day that quite give me nice memory also. They avoid the mistakes that those groups had presented before, and make it more nicer now. I can see more stage property. Creative! When all of us prepare to present, they all faced funny also. That you don't know is nervous or syok. And all those who not present, included me, seems all feel very happy, and I can saw they all chit chatting a lot. The tutor room looks cheerful. I think about Bro Boon that time. He likes these type of enviroment. So bad he is not here.

See how concentrated we are, haha! The audience plays an important rule in every press conference also. Haha! ^_^
So jealous to bro Boon, got girl friend; So jealous to Bro Kin Wai, got stuffs to busy; So jealous to Chee Loung, got uni friends gathering......argh! Many people leave Ipoh so fast.
This is the place I live when I went to Penang for church camp. When I go in, the 1st feeling I got is I heard a song: 我等着你回来,我等着你回来......Waaaaa! Really one.
The rooms looks like in the year 1920-1940 one. Hoho.
The living room. Looks old also. The floor there is the one you can find in Ipoh old town coffee shop. Even the fan, the tables, wow! Let me feel a little bit spoky at night. Hoho! But the feeling at morning is nice. So bad I don't have coffee.Ah! The rooms is ok, but the windows are too new. It is not match the enviroment of this hotel.
We few cool guys wanna see the sunrise. But badly the clouds are naughty. What we can see is blur sun, rising among the clouds. Anyway, I still cannot control my naughty hand and camera, keep on taking many pics even it is dark also.
See, cool guys are waiting something. Don't know what. But I got somthing bad here. I slip from the rock, and bump my butt. Ouch! But not so pain also. Only thing is I make my new trouser a little bit dirty at the butt.
Im really appreciate what I have experienced that short days. Even old mates are nit beside me. It is a good memory too.
Back to Kampar, my frusfrated days reaching again. But there are nice memory for me also. When things I seems do it 1st time, I will like, 阿妈,我得左啦!It is a nice feeling for me. Feel that many things good had come back to me.

Back to Kampar, my frusfrated days reaching again. But there are nice memory for me also. When things I seems do it 1st time, I will like, 阿妈,我得左啦!It is a nice feeling for me. Feel that many things good had come back to me.

The atmosphere is pretty good. I can feel the cheerful. It seems today is a lucky day to everyone. Even Ms Chin also feel happy. Wow! I seldom see these scene. Thanks God to give me see this. No, to give me feel this. Cheerful, funny, and graceful scene.
So, both presentation were started one by one. First was Stephine group, that was about Edison Chan's negative issues. While never see Ju Ean acting cool face, wa! Gosh,
seems wanna cry. And to make it better, I saw something, don't can say suprise or not. While Yee Yan and Choi Yee asked me got paper or not, I didn't realize anything. And at the middle of the presentation, while "Edison Chan" walk to the "stage" and give "his" short speech, Choi Yee and Yee Yan threw the paper to "Edison" and yell CHEATER!!!!!! Gosh! This is the purpose they ask me for paper. Haha! But really waste my high quality A4 papers. Hoho. After Edison Chan, is Obama show. And I wonder th
at Qi Sian was act Obama, because some reasons la, but his speech is very well. I agree with this. His presentati
on, have USA national anthem too. And at the end, they had bought a fruit juice, those with wine bottle one. But what I feel is, why they don't ask me borrow those champage glass cups. Then will be more perfect. But anyway, I feel their presentation very nice. True. Bro Boon, so bad you are not here, haha!!!!!!! ^_^

See how concentrated we are, haha! The audience plays an important rule in every press conference also. Haha! ^_^
Lastly, last friday, I have meet with Hueih Li, Boon, Kin Wai, Chee Loung them again. I don't know why, every time they come out with me, I feel appreciate to them and God. We went Mcd and later went cc for CS. Hoho! But badly we didn't take pics. I hope it will take pics when we meet next time. But......
So Hungry, haha...... :-)